
Blister Pack Line, Klockner Mediseal Pharma Tech, CP2/P1500

Availability: In stock
Item No:
Klockner–Mediseal Pharma Tech

Klockner – Mediseal Pharma Packaging Technology Blister Packaging Line (Complete line commissioned in 2005)

The line consists of:
Mediseal CP2 blister sealer with brush box feeder, hand feeder, scanware vision system, servo drive draw off, code embossing station
Technical Specifications:
Packaging Material Reels:
Width (max) - 150mm
Reel Diameter (max)
Base Web - 400mm
Lid Stock - 15-95mm
Reel Diameter
Base Web (PP &PVC) - 70-76mm
Base Web (aluminium) - 150mm
Lid Stock - 70-76mm
Draw-off Length - 100mm
Depth of Blister Haloes (max)
For die-forming of PP and aluminium/aluminium) - 10mm
In all other cases - 12mm
Performance – product-dependent
Cycles / minute (max) - 60/min
Working Pressure - 7 Bar

Mediseal P1500 cartoner with collating station and turret, leaflet inserter, embossing station, bar code reader.
Technical Specifications:
Method of Operation - Synchronised
Size Range:
Carton Length - 65-150mm
Carton Width - 35-90mm
Carton Height - 15-95mm
Output (max) - 150 cartons / minute
Working Pressure - 6 Bar

The line is ideally suited for small batches ranging from 5,000- 10,000 tablets. The line was previously operating @ 40 strokes/minute on a 50mm wide blister.

Please Note: Due to company policy the line will not be supplied with moulds.